So I'm ready now what will I get? A mummy who already has kittens or one still pregnant? Will she have an easy birth? Most cats need little help but a lot of these mums are little more than kittens themselves PLEASE, PEOPLE GET YOUR CATS DONE!!! It's not fare on anyone especially the cats. A lot of places (RSPCA, Cat Protection etc) offer discounted or even free neutering. Just make a few phone calls. Will she have one kitten or eight? Will she be able to feed them OK? How will I handle it if she or one/all the kittens became ill or died? Well, I guess I will just have to wait and see fingers crossed all works out and they are well.
I'm going to use my dining room as a nursery I just need to move a few things when I know she/they are on their way.
I'm going to check out the vets with Sophie (my daughter) tomorrow so I know where it is BEFORE I need to use it!
Feeding time
Izabelle and Anibelle (from cat rescue)
Godfrey my Maine Coon
Gezabelle (got her from a car engine)
I''m enjoying your cat posts on your blog! I don't really have room to foster with 2 dogs and 3 cats, but I would love too. Though I am like you and am not sure I'd be able to give them back. I'd be a foster "fail". :)